Thursday, August 26, 2010

Name : Zubaidah Abdul Ghani

Student ID : 2009546185

Summary for EDU702 - Data Analysis- Qualitative Data

Content Analysis

  • The analysis of the contents of a communication.
  • Study human behavior in an indirect way by analyzing communications
  • Reason of using content analysis : to obtain descriptive information of one kind to another; to analyze observational and interview data; to test hypotheses; to check other research findings and/or to obtain information useful in dealing with educational problems.

Steps involved in content analysis

  1. Rationale of data collection
  2. Define important terms should at same point
  3. Can be used by all kinds of educational research
  4. Specify what to be analysed.
  5. Formulate coding categories.

Data Analysis

Interpret content analysis by using:

  • frequencies (i.e. the number of specific incidents found in the data) and proportion of particular occurrences to total occurrences
  • coding to develop themes to facilitate synthesis
  • Computer analysis is useful in coding data once categories have been determines.





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