Wednesday, August 18, 2010









A Study on Quality Management in Accomodation and Facilities of Generasi Baru Students in Lim Kok Wing University of Creative Technology




Zubaidah Abdul Ghani (2009546185)




Assos. Prof. Dr. Teoh Sian Hoon


A Study on Quality Management in Accomodation and Facilities of Generasi Baru Students in Lim Kok Wing University of Creative Technology.

Zubaidah Abdul Ghani

Faculty of Education

Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM)


This purpose of this study is to determine the role of the quality management practices in improving the accomodation and facilities for Generasi Baru students. There were approximately 100 Generasi Baru students in Lim Kok Wing University Creative and Technology to be chosen as a sample in this study. Questionnaires will be used as a tool to collect data in this study as this is a quantitative research. As the data for the study will be collected at one group of students and the small sample was chosen, it limits the ability to generalize specific results to other higher institutions. The finding of the study is hoped to increase the quality management in accomodation and facilities for Generasi Baru student through an effective change management and adopt the new practices suggested to create a dynamic quality system.

Keywords: quality management, quality system, effective change





Chapter 1


Organizations are the structures which have been created to achieve defined objectives. To attain their objectives, organizations need to interact with many environmental factors. For this reason, they cannot be thought of as separate from the outside world. To maintain their existence, organizations should monitor the changes and adapt themselves to the developments in the environment. Technological advancements have brought about the removal of barriers all over the world and it has become necessary for organizations to improve performance to compete with the rest of the world. To this end, total quality management (TQM) is an essential tool for organizations to improve themselves and to keep up with the changes.

Companies are implemented TQM focused on the systematic management of data in all processes and practices to eliminate waste, and to improve the processes continuously (Capezio and Morehouse, 1993). In TQM, the responsibility for quality is located in both the individuals and team through some evaluatory and developmental processes. This represents an approach to quality assurance more congruent with the structures and ethos of educational organizations than many of the more mechanistic and hierarchical processes (McCulloch, 1993). Total quality management (TQM), defined as:

… a management approach of an organisation, centred on quality, based on the participation of all its members and aiming at long run success through customer satisfaction and benefits to all members of the organisation and to society (ISO 8402, in Wiklund et al., 2003:99).

Customer satisfaction: A customer can be any person or group that receives products or services from another person or group (Johnson, 1993). In TQM, customer satisfaction is viewed as the criterion of quality. So, the needs of the customer should be determined to achieve a high level of quality. All the stakeholders in the processes of service or production, or the ones that are affected by the results of these processes can be considered as customers (Weaver, 1995). There are internal and external customers in TQM. External customers are people and institutions outside school that receive, use or are affected by the outputs of the school system. Parents, community at large, colleges, vocational schools, businesses, government and industry can be deemed among these external customers. Internal customers are within-school stakeholders such as teachers and students (Johnson, 1993; Schwartzman, 1995; Munoz, 1999). In a market oriented environment, and under the pressures of stakeholders, "delighting the customers" is a rule for the survival of organizations in the long-run (Sahney et al., 2004).

Continual improvement: This is among the main principles of quality. Continual (even small) improvements can amount collectively and steadily to considerable gains in quality and reduction of costs (Deming, 1986). TQM notion emphasizes as to how to improve each process of quality. Continual improvement requires well-defined targets, criteria and measurements (Aksu, 2002). The continual improvement principle of TQM is based on the idea that every new day should not be the same as the previous day. A continual change and improvement is the subject of TQM. Continual improvement principle views the human beings as dynamic organisms that are open to changes (Imai, 1986; Halis, 2004; Genc¸ and Halis, 2006). Continual improvement concept, which has been described as kaizen by the Japanese (Johnson, 1993; Halis, 2004; Sallis, 2002), has transformed the static management understanding into an active state (Kavrakog˘ lu, 1998).


Research Questions

  1. What was the current accomodation and facilities for Generasi Baru students?
  2. What quality management practices did the administration apply to improve accomodation and facilities for Generasi Baru students?
  3. How was quality management practices important in improving
    1. Customer satisfaction.
    2. A continual change and improvement.
  4. How did the management respond in quality management practices in which they were not experts?


Research Objectives

  1. This purpose of this study is to determine the role of the quality management practices in improving the accomodation and facilities for Generasi Baru students.
  2. To increase the quality management in accomodation and facilities for Generasi Baru student through an effective change management and adopt the new practices suggested to create a dynamic quality system.


Problem statements    

  1. Generasi Baru students did not satisfy with the current accomodation and facilities in their hostel.
  2. The management lack of practicing of quality management in accomodation and facilities for Generasi Baru student hostel



As the data for the study will be collected at one group of students and the small sample was chosen, it limits the ability to generalize specific results to other higher institution


To increase the quality management in accomodation and facilities for Generasi Baru student through an effective change management and adopt the new practices suggested to create a dynamic quality system.


  1. Fatih To¨remen & Mehmet Karakus.(2009)," Total quality management practices in


    Turkish primary schools". Retreived from



  2. Nina Becket & Maureen Brookes (2008), "Quality Management Practice in Higher

    Education – What Quality Are We Actually Enhancing?", Retreived from



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